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工程师 Engineer -杭州、厦门
INTERTEK-Commercial & Electrical
职位类别:262 发布日期:2008-04-01
工作地点:杭州 工作经验:1-3年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:若干
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职
工作地点:厦门(1人) 杭州(2人)
1 大学本科或以上学历,主修电子电气、制冷、机械一体化等理工类专业
2 具有两年以上产品测试维修经验,有家电、电动工具、节能灯等产品研发或产品认证相关经验,
3 良好英语听说写能力
4 良好的沟通协调能力,成熟稳重
INTERTEK-Commercial & Electrical
Intertek is a leading international provider of quality and safety services to a wide range of global and local industries. Partnership with Intertek brings increased value to customers’ products and processes, ultimately supporting their success in the global market place. Intertek has the experience, expertise, resources and global reach to support its customers through their network of more than 930 laboratories and offices, 18,000 people in 109 countries around the world.

The Commercial & Electrical division of Intertek provides testing and certification services, including product safety testing and certification, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing, performance testing, and management systems certification.

At Intertek, and as individuals, we:
· value trust and personal responsibility;
· act with integrity, honesty and respect;
· deliver excellent services which add value to our customers’ business;
· focus on continual growth and outstanding performance;
· strive to create a safe work environment;
· value each employee’s contribution toward achieving our business objectives;
· promote a culture where motivated customer-oriented employees can flourish, experience professional fulfilment and reach their highest potential; and
· respect diverse perspectives, experiences and traditions as essential.

Our commitment to delivering outstanding results through sound and thorough financial practices, superior profitability, stable growth and good citizenship will enable us to fulfil Intertek’s mission while increasing sustainable shareholder value.


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