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Line Process Engineer
职位类别:275 发布日期:2008-07-14
工作地点:苏州 工作经验:3-5年
最低学历: 大专 招聘人数:1人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职
1. Diploma holders in Technology or Engineering.
2. Management and coordinating abilities are needed.
3.3 year working experience in Semiconductor manufacturing is preferable.
1. Ensure that the work instructions are followed and that all employees have received proper training with regard to work instructions, quality and safety procedures.
2. Track operator skills and ability and provide trainings for improvement.
3. Ensure processes are standardized for all operators over all shifts. This includes tooling changes, process adjustments, measurement techniques, etc.
4. Review work performance of operators and make recommendations regarding future work assignments; monitor, control and coordinate all training activities in department.
5. Ensure that shift production reporting is processed accurately and on time.
6. Participate in activities of all layers’ audit.
7. Ensure that all operator' concerns are handled in a timely and constructive manner, in accordance with applicable company policies.
8. Responsible for the set up and changeover of machines to meet the production schedule.
9. Responsible for ensuring that parts are produced to meet all quality requirements and standards according to customer requirements.
10. Develop and maintain 5S in the section area
11. Conduct or optimize the process control method.
12. Ensure that only authorized personnel are operating assigned machinery and performing tasks they have been trained on.
13. Perform other duties as assigned by the Manager and supervisor.

美国仙童半导体公司(Fairchild Semiconductor, The Power Franchise)作为硅谷的创立者和世界上第一个晶体管与集成电路的发明者,成立于1957年,由著名的仙童仪器科学家Robert Noyce Gordon Moore 创建,著名的半导体公司IntelAMDNational Semiconductor等均是从仙童半导体公司分离出来。


仙童半导体总部设在美国南波特兰市,并在犹他州WestJordan、宾西法尼亚州 Mountaintop、韩国富州市及新加坡设有晶元制造厂,在菲律宾宿雾、马来西亚槟城及中国苏州设有组装及测试工厂,是全球历史最悠久的半导体制造商。全球共有10,000 名员工,分别从事设计、制造和推广功率半导体、模拟及混合信号、接口、逻辑及光电子产品的工作。

仙童半导体公司于20014月在苏州注册成立快捷半导体(苏州)有限公司,首次投资总额为1亿美金,并于20047月增资至10亿美金,员工人数目前已达千余人,未来3年将达到3500人。快捷半导体公司坐落于中国苏州工业园区首期开发区内苏桐路1号,是集团1997年重组后首家兴建的工厂,20036月开始正式大规模投产。主要从事分立功率器件的封装和测试,产品类别达数千种,被广泛运用于微电子应用领域,包括汽车、通信、电脑、外围设备、工业及消费品应用。 公司于20049月建成国际一流的自动化仓库,它将成为美国仙童半导体公司在亚太地区重要的仓储配送中心。



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