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Sr. Electrical Engineer
Agfa Graphics China 上海爱克发感光器材有限公司
公司行业:加工制造(原料加工/模具) 印刷/包装/造纸
职位类别:263 发布日期:2008-07-14
工作地点:无锡 工作经验:5-10年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:若干
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职

Job summary:

  1. Design and Project Manage in-house electrical engineering projects and provide electrical engineering support to projects instigated by others
  2. Co-operate with the other engineering disciplines to provide a unified and thorough technical support to the existing operation, as well as to future expansion and improvement projects
  3. Provide technical support for the electrical up-keep of the production line and utilities.
  4. Provides training and coaching to a team of repair technicians and engineers
  5. Direct and coach an assistant to the point of being able to provide effective and independent back-up.

Key relationships(主要联络关系):
Internal Contacts(内部联络)
Engineering, I.T. and production department personnel

External Contacts(外部联络)
HQ in Belgium and Engineering Departments in Agfa Worldwide Manufacturing Facilities
Subcontractors suppliers of engineering equipment, tools or services
Software service providers

Job Responsibility:

  1. Periodically review equipment and system alarms to identify adverse trends and potential failure points as well as areas for improvement
  2. Monitor and maintain the process PLC’s and ensure operable back-ups are always up-to-date
  3. Design in-house electrical engineering projects using electrical tools of the trade
  4. Acts as project manager on electrical engineering capital investment projects
  5. Provide advice on electrical codes and related regulations
  6. Coach and train an assistant as well as the process electricians to improve their technique and engineering skills
  7. Assist the Engineering Management in the preparation of  training plans for the development of the process electricians
  8. Liase with HQ personnel (in English) on issues concerning the electrical performance of the process and utilities as well as on new projects.
  9. Provide regular written reports, in the English language, advising on the status of the plant and issues of importance.

Position Requirements:

  1. Master Degree in electrical engineer  related disciplines
  2. At least 5 years related work experience
  3. Good command of English (both written and verbal) 
  4. Must have general all-round Engineering knowledge (Mechanical and Electrical) and specifically possess in-depth knowledge of PLC (Siemens Step 7), drives and process automation.
  5. Knowledge of Electrical Codes and Regulations in China
  6. Good communicator. Balanced temperament, able to work under pressure and prioritize. Technical knowledge combined with the ability to project manage and multi-task


Agfa Graphics China 上海爱克发感光器材有限公司

上海爱克发感光器材有限公司 (Agfa Graphics) 是世界著名的影像公司爱克发-吉华集团的全属子公司。爱克发开发、生产、研制及提供印艺系统全线产品的售前、售后及技术支持。

爱克发总部位于比利时Mortsel,在全球40个国家设有分公司,并有100多家代理商分布于世界各地。爱克发于 2005 年的全球总营业额达 33.08 亿欧元。


爱克发在无锡设有印版厂,为国内的及亚太区的印刷企业提供高品质的传统印版及数码印版。爱克发印艺系统(Agfa Graphics)在上海、北京、深圳、成都设有分公司及办事机构,为国内的客户提供最先进的印前设备及耗材,我们在国内的产品主要有紫激光直接制版系统,热敏直接制版系统,数码打样设备,数码工作流程,传统的印刷菲林,印版,CTP数码印版及配套的药水,印刷线路版菲林。能为商业印刷、报业印刷、包装印刷提供符合他们各自发展的印前解决方案。爱克发印艺系统同时也提供包括咨询和培训在内的专业技术服务,给客户全方位的支持。



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