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Account Manager, Beijing (SMIC Account) - Semiconductor Equipment
Carnegie Consultancy
公司行业:电子技术/半导体/集成电路 咨询/管理产业/法律/财会
职位类别:268 发布日期:2008-07-26
工作地点:北京 工作经验:5-10年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:1人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职
- Bachelor degree in Electronics Engineering (BSEE) or related discipline
- Extensive sales experience in the semiconductor industry.  Minimum 8 years experience in Semiconductor Equipment sales, such as Metrology, Wafer Inspection, ETCH, Lithography, CMP, Film, etc.
- Excellent relationship with SMIC accounts in Beijing
- Has common sense and capable to deal with complex capital equipment troubleshooting
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Good project management skills and must be self motivated
- A team player, able to work effectively with peers or staff at all levels
- Proficiency in written and spoken English
Interested Parties, please send your ENGLISH Resume to:
Carnegie Consultancy
Carnegie Consultancy is an international executive search company specialize in Semiconductor, Electronics and Technology. We aim to provide specialist recruitment services tailored to the individual needs of our clients and candidates. Please visit our website: www.carnegie-consultancy.com
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