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FA Engineer (失效分析工程师)
公司行业:咨询/管理产业/法律/财会 教育/培训
职位类别:277 发布日期:2008-07-29
工作地点:上海 工作经验:5-10年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:若干
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职

受某知名美资企业(全球500强之一,知名电子产品制造和电子解决方案提供商)在上海的全资子公司的委托,为其招聘 FA Engineer (失效分析工程师)。要求如下:


Position Requirements:
  • Basic knowledge in Digital and Analog circuit debug and troubleshooting
  • Proficient in using circuitry schematics
  • Basic Knowledge of micro-controller/processor, Memory, ASIC, CMOS, and Bipolar devices
  • Hands-on experience on following testing instruments
  • Basic Knowledge of Networking, PCB assembly process and Quality Assurance process
  • Team work spirits required
  • Strong communication skills
  • Fluent English
  • 3 years of FA experience preferred
  • Master degree or equivalent experience preferred
  • Lab experience preferred
1.    Gather, document, report and analyze all of the RCFA case data that will be required in every case investigation.
2.    Acquire all of the pertinent case information from Cisco, its customer, and the product manufacturer and engineers prior to beginning of the investigation.
3.    As preparation for the actual casework. This is the 1st stage of RCFA case investigation. The purpose of the research is to enable the Jabil RCFA Team investigators to have available to them all of the case history, data and information documented, compiled and saved for the use by anyone working on the case.
4.    Understand what will necessary for the prosecution of the case and acquire that information. Will be responsible for the initial trend analysis and correlation of case information to historical records.
5.    Not only understand what data will be required to work on the case, but also know how to read, analyze and correlate this data.

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