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Mobicom (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
职位类别:270 发布日期:2008-08-11
工作地点:北京 工作经验:5-10年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:1人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职


  1. 确定软件需求
  2. 负责手机人机界面软件的系统设计
  3. 评估第三方软件,确定集成方案
  4. 保证手机人机界面软件的稳定性


  1. 通信、自动化、电子或计算机类专业本科以上学历
  2. 从事手机应用软件开发五年以上工作经验
  3. 熟悉软件开发流程,软件质量保证,以及软件项目管理的相关知识
  4. 精通一种以上手机应用平台,深刻理解手机应用需求和应用软件开发流程,具有手机应用软件的开发和集成经验,有 MTK 、 NXP 系统经验者更优
  5. 精通一种以上手机操作系统,熟悉嵌入式系统编程( c 语言)
  6. 熟悉移动通讯理论基本知识和通讯系统的原理
  7. 具有很强的技术开发学习和攻关能力,以及良好的英语基础
  8. 具有很强的团队合作意识
Mobicom (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Mobicom Beijing Co., Ltd is a Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise funded by Mobicom Corporation. With headquarters in New Jersey, USA, Mobicom Corporation was incorporated in 1998 and funded by Texas Instruments (TI), Intel, Crossroads Venture Capitalof California, USA and Capitel Group, China. Rapidly Mobicom Beijing Co., Ltd is a Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise funded by Mobicom Corporation.  With headquarters in New Jersey, USA, Mobicom Corporation was incorporated in 1998 and funded by TexasInstruments (TI), Intel, Crossroads Venture Capital of California, USA and Capitel Group, China. Rapidly growing over the past several years, Mobicom has made strategic partnerships with Lucent Technologies, Texas Instruments in USA, Optimay, and Condat in Germany.
Mobicom (Beijing) Co., Ltd is currently seeking outstanding engineers with 1 years research experience to immediately join our development execution in China. You are invited to participate in the most exciting high-tech industry wireless communication together with a world-class experienced and established engineering team.
Mobicom designs, develops, manufactures and markets customized mobile phones and state-of-the-art wireless information devices for China, U.S. and other international markets.

Company Address:

北京海淀上地信息路1号金远见大厦213室 100085

Room 213, Jinyuanjian Building, No. 1 Xinxi Road, Shangdi, Haidian District, Beijing, China.


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