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Staff Software Engineer(资深软件工程师)
National Instruments China
公司行业:计算机硬件及网络设备 计算机软件
职位类别:270 发布日期:2008-08-26
工作地点:上海 工作经验:3-5年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:若干
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职


  •  Carrying out and managing each step in software life cycle requirements analysis, designing, coding, and testing
  •  Engaging in research and development of innovative and high quality software products for measurement and automation
  •  Staying current with the state-of-the-art and cutting-edge technology and applying the latest techniques in software projects
  •  Mentoring junior engineers
  •  Writing and reviewing product documents for end users in English
  •  Diagnosing/debugging problems with your product or problems arising when your product interacts or integrates with other NI products


  •  Bachelor or above in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or related
  •  3 years or above industrial-level software development experience and 1 year mentoring experience, prefer embedded software development experience
  •  Strong understanding of these concepts and principles: 
    - Operating system components and design 
    - Computer system architecture and organization 
    - Data structures 
    - Development methodologies incl. object-oriented analysis and design 
    - Good software design and architecture principles
    - High-level programming languages; prefer proficiency in C/C++
  •  Demonstrated ability to: 
    - Work effectively in group development environments 
    - Problem-solve effectively-diagnose technical issues & propose viable solutions; enjoy problem solving 
    - Take initiative in tackling difficult issues-be a self-starter and work independently 
    - Persistently drive tasks/projects to successful completion 
    - Take ownership of goals and project schedules 
    - Communicate clearly - Listen attentively, actively participate, and lead fast-paced technical conversations 
    - Quickly learn applicable technology, systems and products 
    - Strong work ethic and drive to succeed
    - Concentrate on design and coding quality
  •  Proficiency in both written and spoken English
National Instruments China

National Instruments is a US based company and a world leader in computer-based measurement and automation. Founded in 1976 and headquartered in Austin, Texas, NI is revolutionizing the way engineers and scientists use PCs to monitor and understand the world around us. NI is a rapidly growing public corporation with more than 4,000 employees and direct operations in 40 countries.

National Instruments has been named to Fortune magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For" 9 years in a row, and IEEE's Spectrum On-Line named NI to their list of "Top 10 Internships for Electrical Engineering Students".

National Instruments believes in China's bright future. We opened our first international R&D center in Shanghai in 1998. Since then, we also established and built the marketing and sales support operations in Shanghai. Our employees enjoy an excellent collegial type working environment. To expand our operations further, we are looking for highly motivated persons in the following areas.

National Instruments (美国国家仪器有限公司,简称NI)创立于1976年,总部设于Texas州首府Austin,是一家测量行业的上市公司 (纳斯达克挂牌代号 NATI) ,在世界各地设有50多个分公司和办事处,和众多系统联盟成员。NI公司成立29年多以来,一直在为广大用户提供建立在诸如工业标准计算机及互联网等飞速发展的商业科技基础上的虚拟仪器解决方案,彻底改变着工程师和科学家们的工作方式。NI为用户提供易于集成的软件如图形化开发环境NI LabVIEW与模块化硬件如用于数据采集或用作测量仪器的PXI模块,帮助全世界的用户们提高工作效率。NI总部设于美国德克萨斯州的奥斯汀,共拥有4000多名员工,在40个国家中设有分支机构。2004年度,全球共有90多个国家的超过25,000家公司购买了NI产品。在过去连续八年里,《财富》杂志评选NI为全美最适合工作的100家公司之一。此外,拥有一百万读者的《Forbes》商业杂志亦将 NI 的总裁-Dr.JamesTruchard 评选为全美最成功的前50位 CEO 之一。

领先的技术:早在八十年代,随着金牌产品NI LabVIEW的诞生,NI提出"软件就是仪器"的口号,开辟了"虚拟仪器"的崭新测量概念。25年以来,NI不断致力于开发基于计算机的测试测量与自动化平台。长远的发展目标保证NI的产品具有长期的兼容性,并享有完善的技术支持。


最佳的产品:测量与自动化软件(包括图形化测量程序开发环境LabVIEW,专为ANSI C、Visual Basic 和Visual C++特别设计的LabWindows/CVI、Measurement Studio软件)、GPIB接口卡、PXI模块化仪器系统、插入式数据采集卡、机器视觉、运动控制、VXI控制器、测试执行管理软件(TestStand )等产品在全球测量行业内首屈一指。而LabVIEW、TestStand更曾荣获美国测量行业久负盛名的"年度最佳产品"大奖。

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