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Application Engineer
公司行业:大型设备/机电设备/重工业 房地产/建筑/建材/工程
加工制造(原料加工/模具) 贸易/进出口
职位类别:274 发布日期:2008-09-01
工作地点:北京 工作经验:3-5年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:3人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职

Key Responsibilities:
1. Arrange the necessary product test to support the sales activities.
2. Provide the product and application training to the sales team, and to distributors and other external customers if necessary, to ensure that the sale team possesses the necessary selling skills and to promote the sales of high value system.
3. Provide technical support to the key projects with tailor made solutions and necessary onsite support.
4. Provide technical advice to the sales team, distributors, architects, and important customers.
5. Lead national and regional technical code and standard lobbying efforts.
6. Analyze competitor’s offering and substitute to support sales and product development and differentiation efforts.
7. Support marcom in developing and reviewing sales tools for the target segment or applications
8. Collect market intelligence and customer feedback and value perception through direct contacts with architect, customers, and regulatory authorities.
9. Support new product development, launching, and promotion efforts.
10. Support technical seminar activities.

1. At least 3+ years experience in technical and/or product application in construction market, preferably in thermal insulation or HVAC application.
2. Basic English communication skill is required
3. BS degree in engineering or science is required and concentration on Civil or HVAC is preferred.
4. Proficient with basic computer programs – PowerPoint, Word, Lotus Notes, Excel, etc…






  • 1665 年由 Colbert 先生创办,并于当年承建了凡尔赛宫的玻璃画廊
  • 为欧洲 50% 的轿车提供汽车安全玻璃
  • 为法国卢浮宫前的金字塔提供了玻璃(共 660 块形状各异的玻璃)
  • 为欧洲隧道平台提供用于增加沥青强度的玻璃纤维
  • 为欧洲三分之一, 美国五分之一的房屋提供隔音保温材料
  • 为全球 80 多个首都和 1000 多个城市提供过饮配水管道系统
  • 每年生产 300 亿只玻璃瓶用于包装、酒、香水和药品
  • 生产用于机场安检系统及医疗诊断的晶体探头


  •  最新全球财富500强位居第116位,建材及玻璃类位居第一
  •  在全球57个国家均设有生产企业
  •  在世界各地拥有1200多家财务可合并子公司
  •  全球员工207,000多人,其中在华员工11700多人
  •  营业额达416亿欧元
  •  净利润17亿欧元
  •  现金流量33亿欧元
  •  工业投资22亿欧元
  •  集团每年用于科研的费用高达3.45亿欧元
  •  三分之二的员工在法国以外的地区工作

如果您想获得有关圣戈班集团的更多信息,请访问 www.saint-gobain.com.cnwww.saint-gobain.com

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