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Project Engineer (阀门产品)
公司行业:仪器仪表及工业自动化 加工制造(原料加工/模具)
职位类别:264 发布日期:2008-09-04
工作地点:上海 工作经验:3-5年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:2人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职

- To review customer technical specifications
- To ensure products offered compliance to customer requirements
- To participate and contribute in project start up meetings with customer and factory
- To prepare project documentation and technical documents
- To make additional quotation as required
- To keep track of all technical changes to ensure agreed action and completion
- To participate factory acceptance test
- To maintain documentation filing
- Reporting to Engineering Manager

- University Degree in automation or process (process industry)
- Minimum 3-5 years' experience of the project business in field instrumentation
- Good command of written and spoken English
- Having systematic way of working and an assertive character
- Being able to manage complex situations under pressure
- Being business and customer oriented
- Open minded
- Good team player
- Willing to share experience and knowledge with others
- Ready to travel

Metso Automation is a global supplier of field control technology, automation solutions and life cycle performance services for the pulp & paper and energy & process industries.   美卓自动化(上海)有限公司隶属芬兰的美卓集团。美卓自动化致力于为制浆造纸业,能源及加工行业提供专业控制技术,自动化解决方案,以及为整个工艺生命周期内的运行性能提供维护服务。   Metso is a global technology corporation serving customers in the pulp and paper industry, rock and minerals processing, the energy industry and selected other industries. Metso has some 22,000 employees in more than 50 countries.   美卓集团是全球领先的过程加工及控制行业的供应商。在全球50多个国家设有经营机构,美卓在全球约有22,000名员工。主要业务领域为光纤及造纸技术,矿石加工和自动化控制。公司在赫尔辛基及纽约的股票市场上市。   为满足中国迅速发展的业务需求,美卓自动化诚聘以下职位:
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