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Product Test Engineer 产品测试工程师
公司行业:电子技术/半导体/集成电路 仪器仪表及工业自动化
职位类别:275 发布日期:2008-09-05
工作地点:北京 工作经验:1-3年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:1人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职


- Maintain or develop test programs using industry leading ATE at wafer sort and final test. To undertake projects to reduce test cost, cycle time, and improve test efficiency, and work on all issues related to device testing and assembly.

- Work with IC design team to define, develop, and ensure quality of testing methodologies.

- Responsible for all SW (test program) & HW (probe card/loadboard) implementation from engineering to production.

- Evaluate/do device characteristics and related corner lots test, as well as post data processing. Do bench to ATE correlation test, too.

- Co-work with QA to setup related reliability tests on reliability subcon houses and do pre/post-ATE tests.


- 1 ~ 3years related experience and knowledge in semiconductor test field.

- BS in engineering fields such as electrical & electronic engineering, or Microelectronics, or computer science, MS is a plus.

- Experience with programming in C/C++, VB and Perl is a plus.

- Basic knowledge in Analog/Digital device circuitry.

- Knowledge of design for manufacturing, design for test, digital/analog test methodologies and circuit analysis skills will be added advantage.

- Good documentation and communication skill in both Chinese and English

雅格罗技(北京)科技有限公司是Agate Logic, Inc. 在北京的研发中心,是国内第一家专业从事FPGA与structured ASIC研发的公司。公司拥有多项自主知识产权和核心技术,致力于对可配置可编程系统芯片(Configurable and Programmable System on Chip)以及相关面向客户的电子设计自动化软件工具(EDA Software Tool)进行全方位研发。

作为全球APGA(Adaptable Programmable Gate Array)技术的首创者和领导者,Agate Logic为客户提供了基于我公司自主研发的FPGA技术的SoC系统服务,其中包括FPGA芯片、EDA软件及配套的应用。采用本土化的芯片制造商,目标定位于多种应用类市场领域,为用户提供通用芯片设计平台和一套完整高效的EDA设计软件,使设计者们能够更加便捷、灵活、快速地实现产品设计,降低市场进入成本,让客户随“芯” 所欲。

Agate Logic在北京成立的研发中心是我们的一项重要战略,吸纳优秀的软件和硬件技术人才是确保我公司保持健康成长的关键。我们迫切需要拥有各类技术的优秀工程师加盟我公司。

Email: hr@agatelogic.com.cn

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