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DSP Engineer
职位类别:278 发布日期:2008-09-17
工作地点:苏州 工作经验:3-5年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:1人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职

3+ years experience doing firmware programming on DSP's and/or ARM chips.

Experience should include some digital electronic background with understanding of schematics and C++ programming.


Short description of the project:

-UASRT Driver utilizing DMA

-BT Driver over the USART Driver

-Communications Protocol over BT Driver

-SPI Driver utilizing DMA

-ECG acquisition over SPI Driver at 1 Khz, 16 bits – down sampled to12 bits, 250 Hz.

-Baseline wander filter

-Noise Rejection filter

-SPI mode SD Card interface using SPI Driver

-FAT file organization on 2 GB SD Card (read, write only – no modify, 1 file per cluster)

-USB Driver and Mass Storage class driver

-Manufacturing test support and diagnostics



Every 30 seconds the sensor will communicate all ECG acquired over the BC05 to its paired unit.

If the unit is out of range, the ECG will be stored to the SD card until it can reconnect to the paired unit.

Power management is a key consideration.


The client is using the ARM Keil MDK and Rl-Arm real time library.


Suzhou CEO Softcenters Co., Ltd. is one of United States' leading software development and outsourcing companies, with offices in China, Malaysia and in the United States. Our employees are part of our global family of companies. As our team members thrive on challenges, think independently, and possess versatile skills, you will be working with the best and the brightest.


This is the best opportunity in China to accelerate your career as a software engineer working on software products for one of the fastest growing and successful US company. These software products are sold to large US and MULTI-NATIONAL companies.

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