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Assistant Manager Interior Electronics & DTSV
BMW China
公司行业:汽车/摩托车(制造/维护/配件/销售/服务) 大型设备/机电设备/重工业
贸易/进出口 金融/银行/投资/基金/证券
职位类别:278 发布日期:2008-10-13
工作地点:北京 工作经验:1-3年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:1人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职

Department: E-Office

Key Objectives:

  • To support the key objective of the “Interior Electronics & DTSV” team
  • Contact partner regarding China specific interior electronics for central development and integration departments in Munich .
  • Execution and coordination of software and hardware verification tests in conjunction with COCs and relevant supplier industry.

Major Tasks:

The Specialist shall independently carry out tasks requested by relevant COCs regarding Telephony, Navigation, etc. Within this areas the following steps have to be constantly carried out:

  • Identify, rate and communicate local market or customer requirements of the specific area
  • Bring together the different needs and ideas of the market, sales, service and R&D in both China and the headquarter in Munich
  • Be the local representative of the concerning department in Munich that is responsible for the functional range or the ECU
  • Conduct all necessary system integration and test of that functional range including operation of all necessary test environments and error management.

Product requirements & tech scouting

  • Identify, rate and communicate local market or customer requirements of the specific area
  • Communicate identified market-specific customer, market or product requirements to the responsible product requirements stakeholder in China and the responsible department in Munich
  • Define the requirements in detail and deliver them to the stakeholder

Representation & Support of the development department

  • Regular communication with the development department in the headquarter and all partners in China (market, sales, service, production)

System integration & test

  • Execution of all necessary integration & test activities like system and customer function test in racks and vehicles, both static and dynamic
  • Take all actions to secure a testing infrastructure to conduct those tests (parts, software, test steps and cases)
  • Synchronize the testing process with the own team and the developing department (SW delivery, error management, analysis, test strategy)

Know How:

  • Engineer (master or Bachelor) in electronics, information technology or equivalent
  • Knowledge of electric/electronic vehicle systems
  • Knowledge of verification & validation techniques for electronic systems
  • Proficient in usage of development tools for updating the car and electronic control units
  • Proficient in usage of IT systems and knowledge in measurement systems
  • Objective vehicle test judgement skills
  • Extensive experience in vehicle or aerospace tests with an international manufacturer (> 2 years) is required
  • Alternative: Extensive experience in tests of IT-systems with an international manufacturer (> 2 years) is required
  • Ability to make decisions independently and to make recommendations for investment / change. Involved in preparing information to assist in higher level decisions
  • Highly motivated with excellent communication skills
  • Ability to understand, simplify and explain complex ideas and principles to others
  • The person must be flexible, an excellent team player, and willing to learn and participate in the sharing of information
  • Basic understanding of quality
  • Valid driver's license, Safe Driving skills
  • Willing to Travel
  • Native Chinese speaker with excellent English / German knowledge (or willingness to learn German)
BMW China

BMW Group is one of the world's most successful premium automobile and motorcycle manufacturer. In 2004, the company sold more than 1.2 millions BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce automobiles. BMW came to China in 1994 with the establishment of its Beijing Office. Since 2003, BMW Group has reaffirmed its commitment to China with the formation of a joint venture with Brilliance China Automotive Holding Ltd. Through import and local production in Shenyang, BMW Group always offers the Chinese customers emotional and innovative products following the Group's international high standards.




BMW是Bayerische Motoren Werke的缩写,在中文中被译为宝马。宝马集团在初创阶段主营飞机发动机的研发和生产。宝马的蓝白标志象征着旋转的螺旋桨,这正是公司早期历史的写照。


通过进口代理商,在中国大陆销售的宝马汽车包括大型豪华车7系列、大型双门轿车和敞篷车6系列、X家族(X3和X5)、单排座敞篷车Z4,宝马 3系的双门轿车和敞篷车,以及宝马 3系和5系四门轿车的顶级车型等。


从2003年10月合资公司推出第一款国产宝马汽车起,华晨宝马汽车有限公司快速推出了BMW 318i、325i、520i、525i和BMW 530i等型号以及不同配置的车型。2005年9月,全新BMW 3系的BMW 320i和325i替代了原有3系车型。新3系和先前推出的宝马新5系一样,是和国际市场几乎同步推出的最新车型,为同级别轿车树立了新的标准。这些产品都严格按宝马集团全球统一的标准生产和检验,具有一致的高品质。把最先进的产品引入到中国市场是宝马集团一贯的宗旨。无论是进口还是本地化生产,每一款宝马汽车都是激动人心的高档产品,不断赢得市场的青睐,为BMW品牌赢得卓越的声誉和市场影响力。



作为一家以市场和客户为导向的企业,宝马集团在中国市场的活动丰富多彩。宝马集团自1994年以来参加了中国历届重要的国际车展。2005年 4月,宝马集团携旗下三大品牌BMW、MINI和Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯)首次以国际大展的高规格参加上海国际汽车展。从2001年以来,宝马集团成为第一个在全国组织全系列试车活动的高档品牌,这些都充分体现了“贴近市场和用户”的经营思想。



宝马还积极开展社会责任项目, 包括支持有潜质的年轻人和儿童交通安全教育。从2004年开始,宝马已经连续两年赞助中央音乐学院交响乐团赴海外演出,促进不同文化之间的交流。从2005年开始,宝马推出了主题为“为了孩子,请减速”的儿童道路安全训练营活动,陆续在全国各地的幼儿园及小学进行寓教于乐的交通安全教育。




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