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System Engineer 系统工程师
公司行业:IT服务(系统/数据/维护)/多领域经营 电子技术/半导体/集成电路
职位类别:264 发布日期:2008-04-02
工作地点:广州 工作经验:10年以上
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:2人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职
  1. 负责工程安装,系统调试,部分工程的项目管理,并提升客户满意度;
  2. 为销售部及其它部门提供咨询与协助;
  3. 对安防系统进行设计,绘制设计图;
  4. 对系统进行测试并做相应的故障排除;
  5. 现场对客户进行培训;
  6. 售后服务的支持;
  7. 对产品进行测试;
  8. 在现场对客户的系统进行巡回检查;
  9. 根据设备手册、公司技术标准检查监督设备的安装及综合布线;


  1. 两年以上安防工程、电子工程、或小型电子工程施工、测控系统工程等相关的工作经验;
  2. 具有丰富的电子、自控、电脑软硬件知识,掌握了数据库和网络等IT实际操作技能;
  3. 电子、计算机、自动化、机电一体化等相关专业大学本科以上学历;
  4. 若熟悉门禁,CCTV监控和入侵报警相关产品和子系统, 是优势
  5. 可在项目现场工作,有项目管理经验,是优势;
  6. 良好的沟通, 协调能力;
  7. 快速学习能力;
  8. 具有初级、中级或以上的工程技术专业的技术职称
Founded in 1996, ICD Security Solutions began with a singular goal: To provide security systems integration and service and support to multinational clients in China. Pursuing this vision, ICD today has evolved into an internationally managed enterprise with operations spanning 9 cities in Greater China, including Hong Kong,Singapore and Taiwan, and has the unique ability to provide support for our clients' security needs throughout the whole of China.

ICD Security Solutions is the leading security systems integrator in Asia and Greater China. Focused on building long-term security partnerships with our clients, ICD offers professional security system consultation and design, project implementation, and service and maintenance on new and existing systems.ICD's product experience also extends to every major security product manufacturer in the world, including Lenel, GE Security, HID, Hirsch, Motorola, Indala, Panasonic, Pelco, Sony, Ingersoll-Rand, and Assa Abloy.

Nearly 10 years of security industry experience as a security solutions provider for Multinational enterprises in China, our expertise in system design, implementation, and customer service, ICD Security Solutions is one of the most well-known and recognized names in the market today. With projects in over 20 cities in China and over 360 project sites, ICD's client profile features the who's who of Fortune 500 companies, including Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Dell, Nokia, FedEx, Oracle, Agilent, Qualcomm and Maersk.

始建于1996 年的ICD Security Solutions是一家在中国地区,包括香港、台湾在内,运营的全外资公司。作为大中华地区最大的系统集成商,除设为总部的北京以外,ICD Security Solutions在香港,台湾, 新加坡,上海,深圳,大连,厦门,广州,成都都设有分公司。

ICD Security Solutions是亚太区和大中华地区领先的安防系统集成商,志于和安防伙伴们建立长期合作关系,致力为客户提供安全系统集成的咨询服务,项目实施以及售后维保,满足客户各种需求。ICD的产品线涵盖了所有世界重要和知名的安防制造品牌,如:Lenel, GE Security, HID, Hirsch, Indala, Panasonic, Pelco, Sony, Ingersoll- Rand, and Assa Abloy。

在ICD,我们的团队由来个多个国家的经验丰富的专业人事组成。凭借着无可匹敌的行业经验,专业的员工,高质量的产品线和客服系统,ICD Security Solutions为大中华地区集成系统树立了崭新的行业标准,拥有多过250 个满意客户和360 个安装现场。这其中包括微软,惠普,戴尔,诺基亚, 联邦快递,甲骨文,高通,马士基。


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