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公司行业:IT服务(系统/数据/维护)/多领域经营 通讯(设备/运营/增值服务)
职位类别:270 发布日期:2008-04-02
工作地点:上海 工作经验:3-5年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:1人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职
  1. 大学本科或以上学历,计算机、电子及相关专业;
  2. 熟练掌握 C 语言, VC++ 语言;
  3. 嵌入式软件 3 年以上工作经验;
  4. 有对日软件开发经验;
  5. 有责任心,协调能力强;
  6. 能带领项目组开展工作;
  7. 日语水平二级以上,能同日方客户进行交流。


Are you looking for an opportunity to work with a fast-growing international IT company? Achievo Corporation (USA) is dedicated to providing high quality and cost effective IT solutions to our global customers, with the company mission of becoming one of the largest China-based software outsourcing companies. Achievo Corporation currently has offices in California (USA), German, Canada, Japan, Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dalian and Hong Kong. We specialize in developing, researching, consulting, and marketing software solutions, using leading technologies. We strive to provide the best services for our clients worldwide.

Achievo is committed to recruiting the best talents in the industry, striving to be excellent in technical competence as well as project management and communication skills. We offer competitive compensation as well as ample opportunities for career advancement. For details regarding business development in 2006 and Achievo company culture, please click here.

Don't miss a good opportunity! Consider the following openings at Achievo, and contact us today.

大展信息科技(北京)有限公司是一家美国独资企业,公司主营业务是从欧美客户承接软件项目,在中国大陆深圳及北京等分公司进行软件开发一站式服务;集团成立于2002年,总部在美国硅谷,在德国、加拿大、日本、香港、深圳、北京、广州、上海、大连设有分公司。高层管理为美籍亚太人,目前雇员约2000人;已通过CMM3认证;正致力于CMMI5认证;公司旨在成为中国软件外包行业领军企业,与印度一起参与国际竞争; 目前公司处在快速发展上升阶段,通过自身增长及积极的并购,计划在未来1-2年在海外上市;员工发展平台广阔;公司企业文化为偏西方化管理、人性化、工作氛围融洽,有技术培训与交流机会;福利待遇在软件外包行业内有竞争力。我们期待您的加盟,并将为您提供良好的发展机会!

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