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Senior Application Engineer
飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司 Philips (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
公司行业:通讯(设备/运营/增值服务) 电子技术/半导体/集成电路
医药/生物工程 IT服务(系统/数据/维护)/多领域经营
职位类别:274 发布日期:2008-04-02
工作地点:深圳 工作经验:不限
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:若干
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职


JD:i) The senior engineer will be expected to manage projects that are allocated to him, to support the sales process.
ii) Translation of customer requirements into project objectives, formulation of plans and subsequent execution of those plans. Strong relations with headquarter will be essential to make sure that projects are completed to the highest standards in the shortest possible timescales.
i) Discussion of evaluations with customers to define their requirements and produce evaluation criteria. These criteria should meet customers expectations, but also be achievable with the Assembleon product range.
ii) Formulation and execution of evaluation projects will be required when it has been decided that it is commercially justified to proceed with such an evaluation
Knowledge Transfer
i) Transfer of information, knowledge and experiences to the other engineers within the application group will be an ongoing exercise for the senior application engineer.
ii) Organisation of workshops to facilitate this transfer within the group will be required.
iii) A strong network throughout the headquarter functions will facilitate the knowledge transfer, enabling access to the latest developments in the Assembleon products.
Pre Sales Support Activities
i) Work closely with Account Managers to identify requirements of customer.
ii) Deliver customer presentations on the Assembleon software product range and including if required simulation results for their production requirements.
iii) Conduct in depth applications reviews of customer products, including simulations using PPS software.
iv) Create Value Added proposals and present to customers. This illustrates the value Assembleon equipment can provide to customers in terms of, for example lower running costs, less floor space, higher quality, better cost per placement etc
Post Sales Support Activities
i) Carry out onsite review of customers production lines are completed with respect to PPS programming.
ii) Advise customers on PPS issues such as line balancing to ensure that they are utilising our equipment to their full capacity.
iii) Provide support during the ramp up phase of customer installations..
Application Support
i) Conduct customer demonstrations. By identifying customers requirement, organise relevant and effective demonstrations to meet their expectations.
ii) Support of Exhibitions – attend shows to provide technical support and follow up enquiries.
iii) Conduct exhibition demonstration. By careful planning with the sales and marketing organisation, arrange demonstrations during exhibitions that are relevant to the market/country.
Demo Centre Organisation
i) Ensure demo centre in Singapore is permanently capable of conducting demos for customers
ii) Develop new demonstrations to reflect our customers requirements and the latest Assembleon product developments
Ongoing Development
iii) The engineer should identify new advances in the Assembleon product range and keep up to date with all aspects by attending training courses and receiving technical bulletins.
Industry Knowledge
i) Keep abreast of current technological advances within the electronics manufacturing industry. This can be achieved through literature, trade magazines and seminar programs.
ii) Keep abreast of the products provided by Assembleons competitors (Siemens, Fuji, Panasonic, Universal,etc).
iii) Maintain/expand the knowledge of Cookson portfolio and the interaction of these products with our line solution (e.g printer cycle time, length of oven, etc).
i) After customer visits (either pre or post sales), effective and comprehensive visits reports must be produced. These must be made available within the organisation
ii) Produce Application summaries for customer specific applications.
iii) Monthly summaries of activities in the region must be provided to the applications manager in order to make updates to the regional ‘monthly report’.

飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司 Philips (China) Investment Co., Ltd.

荷兰皇家飞利浦电子公司是全球医疗保健、照明和优质生活领域的领导者,通过"精于心 简于形"的品牌承诺,公司提供以人为本和创新的产品、服务和解决方案。


公司拥有注册专利80,000项,充分显示了公司的创新本质。在当今世界,科技日益影响人们生活的方方面面,我们希望通过创新先进的、简单使用的并为满足人们需求而设计的产品,实现对消费者"精于心 简于形"的承诺。





在当今人们生活的方方面面日益复杂化的世界里,我们力求把"精于心 简于形"带给人们。 品牌承诺

我们通过"精于心 简于形"的品牌承诺, 使人们从创新中受益。这一品牌承诺概括了我们的决心,即提供创新先进、轻松体验和为使用者需求而设计的解决方案。



  • 愿景2010"旨在通过更为明确的策略来加速公司的成长,专注于医疗保健、照明以及整合的优质生活三大业务领域。
  • 愿景2010"将飞利浦定位为一家以市场为导向、以人为本的公司,其业务结构完全符合消费者的需求。"愿景2010"确立了我们是一家集中于"医疗保健、照明和优质生活"3大领域的公司。
  • 愿景2010"宣布了飞利浦期望提高盈利水平,希望到2010年实现每股税前收入翻番。



我们通过关注病人和医护工作者来简化医疗保健。我们把对人的了解和临床专业相结合,致力于改善病人治疗的结果,并减轻医疗保健系统的负担。飞利浦既为医疗专业人士提供先进的解决方案,满足病人的需求;同时也向消费者提供他们在医院或者家庭中均能负担得起的医疗保健。 主要产品:256-排 Brilliance iCT 机、综合性介入手术室、Avaion FM 20 & FM 30 重症监护仪、周边环境体验核磁共振和CT系统、飞利浦Lifeline个人急救警报服务。



主要产品:氙汽车灯、CosmoPolis(道路照明)、Living Colors(氛围照明)。


遵循'精于心 简于形'的品牌承诺,并基于对消费者的洞察,飞利浦优质生活提供丰富的、全新的消费者体验,来满足消费者对放松身心和改善情绪的渴求。我们通过关注人们在 "环境 "、"情绪"、"身体"和"外表"四个方面的个性化需求,来实现消费者对于个人健康舒适的愿望。





在《商业周刊》公布的全球最具价值百强品牌排名中, 飞利浦的品牌价值增长最为显著, 其排名从2004年的65位上升至2007年的42位,品牌价值增长75%,达到77亿美元。



* 关注飞利浦更多信息,请登录:www.philips.com.cn www.philips.com

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