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R&D Engineer - Electronic
公司行业:咨询/管理产业/法律/财会 中介服务
职位类别:275 发布日期:2008-04-02
工作地点:上海 工作经验:不限
最低学历:不限 招聘人数:若干
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职
Our client is a worldwide leader in plumbing products and their businesses extends far beyond the kitchen and bath. Now, their businesses create products that set the standard in kitchen and bath, engines and generators, furniture and accessories and so on. They have about 130-year history. As their fast growing in China, so far they are looking for the following position to be based in Shanghai.
R&D Engineer - Electronic
1.         Consistently develops and applies advanced theories, methods, and research techniques in the investigation and solution of complex and advanced technical problems on the forefront of new technologies.
2.         Analyzes, evaluates, and plans methods of approach to and organizes a means to achieve the solution of complex technical problems.
3.         Consultation to direct organizations at a group level for a major technology.
4.         Provides technical direction to and coordinates the efforts of engineers and technical support staff in the performance of assigned projects.
5.         Direct interaction with group senior/executive management on technical matters
6.         Successfully establishes and maintains partnership with teammates/customers.
7.         Develops and maintains networks of decision-makers and key influencers at the group level.
1.         Bachelors degree in an engineering discipline with 10+ years of work experience or advanced technical degree with 7+ years work experience.
2.         Recognized for achievement and technical expertise within a professional field or possesses in-depth, applied experience in multiple engineering specialties.
3.         Uses speaking and writing skills in both Chinese and English to effectively convey information, express opinions, and motivate others to act.
contact information:  tongland_16@tongland.com

TongLand Consulting is an leading Executive Search and consulting firm with primary focus in HK and China market. Our global search network covers most Asian and European countries. TongLand Consulting is also the firm that focuses on hiring and management consulting with international standards. Our search scope crosses Finance, IT, Manufacturing, FMCG,Consulting industry and so on. The search team consists experienced recruiters from each industry and everyday they are delivering the qualified candidates within shortest time.

通赞咨询是经上海市人事局批准的专业从事高级人才推荐,培训及管理咨询的咨询公司。公司在金融投资,制造业,咨询业,快速消费品,电子通讯,信息工程,生物制药等领域拥有丰富的猎取经验。公司客户群面向于全球500强企业、全球著名跨国公司和中国地区的知名企业,侧重于对这些企业在中国大陆地区的高级人才挖掘。我们对自己所涉及的行业拥有专业的猎聘队伍及测评队伍,庞大的人才库,及行业资深级猎头顾问。 作为面向全球著名企业的专业猎头公司,我们严格按照国际惯例及市场规则操作,注重所猎取职位的成功率及公司信誉。我们专业的服务态度已经赢得了包括全球500强企业在内的众多公司的赞扬。

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