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公司行业:快速消费品(食品/饮料/烟酒/化妆品) 医药/生物工程
职位类别:276 发布日期:2008-04-08
工作地点:青岛 工作经验:3-5年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:1人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职



SSL International is a multinational company listed on the London Stock Exchange. It is a consumer healthcare company with a number of global brands (Durex condoms, Scholl Footcare & Scholl Footwear) plus a number of local brands (Mister Baby, Woodwards, Sauber). We have a global turnover of GBP 450m and approximately 4,500 employees involved in manufacturing, sales, marketing and support functions.

Currently, there are 2 subsidiaries in China.

SSL Healthcare (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of SSL International located in Shanghai. It focuses on market development of Durex condoms, Scholl Footcare & Scholl Footwear products in mainland China.

Qingdao London Durex is a WOFE. It focuses on the manufacturing and market development of Durex condoms in mainland China. Currently, the annual turnover of Durex condoms in China reaches RMB150 million, which takes 50% of market share in value.

With the fast business growth in China, we are looking for the high-calibre candidates of the following positions to join us!


We provided competitive remuneration and attractive development opportunity. Anybody who has interests, please send your CV with salary expectation to the e-mail address: ssl_china@126.com.


 We will invite the suitable candidates for interview as quick as possible. And for other applications that we don’t reply will be kept carefully. We will contact you directly if there is any other suitable positions occur in the future.

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