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Electric Engineer 电气工程师
公司行业:大型设备/机电设备/重工业 加工制造(原料加工/模具)
职位类别:255 发布日期:2008-04-02
工作地点:上海 工作经验:3-5年
最低学历:本科 招聘人数:若干
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职


1. 负责工厂设备的电气管理和维修
2. 负责电工组的人员管理,工作安排等
3. 负责工厂/设备的用电安全
4. 建立和完善设备电气的预防性维护计划,并按计划实施
5. 组织,实施设备电气的故障维修,最优化维修方案,以减少设备故障停机时间
6. 负责电工组的技能培训和评估,最优化维修队伍
7. 统计和分析设备电气维修记录,提出并实施改进计划,以提高设备的效率
8. 负责公司节能节电的改进和推行


1. 电气或电气自动化相关专业本科以上学历
2. 三年以上制造业工厂维修经验
3. PLC编程熟练(Siemens STEP 7,Omron …)
4. 有较强领导力,工作积极,主动性强
5. 良好的团队精神
6. 良好的沟通技巧
7. 英语和电脑熟练


SKF is the leading global supplier of products, customer solutions and services in the rolling bearings and seals business with 100 manufacturing sites distributed all over the world and with 38 000 employees.


SKF has been growing well in China since its establishment and is surely heading for even higher ambition in the coming years. At present, we have one Investment Company, six manufacturing units, two industrial service units, and one sales unit with offices in 11 cities, and one newly acquired company. SKF (China) Investment Co., Ltd. acts as the interface between SKF in China and the global SKF organization, provides support to the SKF units in China.


To cope with our business expansion, we now invite high caliber personnel to take up the positions!

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