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Technical Service
公司行业:加工制造(原料加工/模具) 仪器仪表及工业自动化
职位类别:263 发布日期:2008-06-03
工作地点:上海 工作经验:1-3年
最低学历: 大专 招聘人数:1人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职
Job Description:
- Give the sales engineer and distributor train.
- Do some service before and after sales.
- Contact HQ when sales engineer have question of technical.
- To know the products of our competition well.
- Give the support when sales engineer need,.
-  Compliance and acting according to Internal Sales Manager and Company Policy Handbook
- 2 years working experience in PLC program(had better the SIEMENS PLC S7 300 or S7 400)
- Diploma in university is preferred, and majored in
electronic etc.
- Use related software skilfully
- Good English (verbal and written)
MURRELEKTRONIK , founded in 1975 in Oppenweiler, is today a leading manufacturer worldwide of state-of-the-art technology in electrical engineering and electronics. Our corporate philosophy in the field of automation technology is to offer you, our customer, "practical, field-tested products and complete systems for the control, measuring and monitoring of machines, installations and production lines." Of foremost importance to us is our relationship with our customers. We aim to improve our competitiveness by providing better products, performance, prices, quality, delivery and service. The dynamics and flexibility of our team, coupled with a cooperative management culture, minimal hierarchy and quick decision-making are hallmarks of Murrelektronik. Our success has been underscored and reconfirmed many times over through ISO 9001 certification. We think Murrelektronik (Shanghai) is a special place to work. We are a company that believes in ourselves … a company that really cares about its employees because we know they are the most valuable resource we have. We know that our continuous success is dependent upon the efforts of many dedicated people working here at Murrelektronik Shanghai. We are looking for the qualified personnel to meet the rapid expansion and development; the positions to be filled are as follows:
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