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Electrical Engineer-Shanghai
职位类别:256 发布日期:2008-04-02
工作地点:上海 工作经验:3-5年
最低学历: 大专 招聘人数:1人
职位月薪:0 工作性质:全职

1. 制定电器设备保养计划
2. 能使用PLC进行编程
3. 能读懂设备的控制程序,并能安装、下载、备份控制程序
4. 熟悉伺服控制系统
5. 熟悉各种电眼(传感器的设置方式,反射式、对射式的设置方式)
6. 熟悉喷墨打印机的设置
7. 根据电器的原理图,可找出机器故障的根本原因,对机器进行改进,以减少停机时间。
8. 参与设备效率改进项目
9. 电器备件库存控制(接进开关、光电开关、编码器、伺服马达、电眼放大器、喷墨打印机零部件等)
10. 教育、培训电工

1. 3-5年电器相关工作经验
2. 具有较强的工作主动性
3. 良好的问题分析、判断能力


As a leading total recruitment solution provider in Asia, Career International serves a wide variety of clients with an extensive product line consisting of Permanent Recruitment, Recruitment Process Outsourcing and Staffing Services. Among those clients, 80% are multinational corporations and the rest are mid-cap companies and high growing companies.

Career International takes its unswerving effort in enhancing the service to clients in a broader leadership advisory role to meet all level recruitment needs. Its one-stop strategy for total recruitment solution targets at furnishing clients with integrated competitive advantage in developing and recruiting their first-class management teams. In 2004, Career International started its all-around exposure to international practice by taking the strategic move to Hong Kong market and by opening preliminary talks with global partners from Europe and other markets.

Our services are provided through three main divisions- Permanent Recruitment, Recruitment Process Outsourcing and Staffing Services – often working closely together to provide our clients with both human resources and external advice and assistance.

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